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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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Daily writing prompt
What is the most important thing to carry with you all the time?

I carry my iPhone (and Apple watch) with me everywhere, even to the bathroom and shower*, because I can type/text or record my creative ideas whenever they pop into my head. This has been a crucial part of my progress as a writer, a podcaster, and an entrepreneur. There are other tools I also use, but my watch and phone are my ever-present tools that are versatile enough for me to use even if my hands are covered in grease or occupied in a sink of dishes. Sometimes I record a video journal while I am driving… my watch can turn on my camera handsfree. And sometimes I send a text to myself if I don’t have time to open my notes app. Other times, I’ll open up a blogging app or a podcasting app to start a draft that I can finish once I’m back at my computer.

There are really a lot more ways that I can get my creative ideas down, and these are just brief examples. As a creative, getting my ideas down has become just part of my daily routine. AND… sometimes the best ideas come at the weirdest times, like when I am just regaining consciousness after a nap or a full night’s sleep, so I keep my phone next to me in bed to record these types of ideas, too. Remembering my ideas so I can develop them more later when I have time to sit down at a computer is one of the most important skills that I’ve learned for continuously improving as a solo-micro-small business owner.

As I mentioned earlier, I am a podcaster, and if you’d like to listen, it’s over at here on the WordPress platform, or you can Google or search for it on YouTube or any other podcast platform under the podcast name, “Plant Your Seeds of Transformation“. I also write over on Medium, and I’d love to have you follow me there, also at

I love that WordPress is making it easy to remember to answer these writing prompts. Thank you for reading my answer. I hope it’s helpful if you’re a creative who always has ideas popping up for you at weird times like I do.

*Important Notes:

My devices (phone and watch) are waterproof, but not all of them are, so please be careful to learn the waterproof (or dustproof ) level of your devices before wearing or using them constantly as I do.

–AFFILIATE LINK DISCLAIMER: f you use my Amazon Affiliate link to search for a smartphone on Amazon, they may compensate me for referring you, so , thank you in advance for supporting my work in this way, if you choose to do so.